Secretary In The Era of GlobalizationBlogSecretary In The Era of Globalization

Secretary In The Era of Globalization

Secretary In The Era of Globalization

Corporate Secretary Service Indonesia – In the era of globalization and an increasingly advanced economy marked by the sophistication of developing technology, the role of secretaries in this modern era is greater than ever. Especially in the business world, secretaries determine the success of the company, because secretaries have an important role in a meeting and dialog with company relations. Therefore, a company will need an international standard secretary in the context of globalization competition that brings in workers from abroad.

Previously, we knew the secretary profession was only in charge of administrative activities such as note-taking, typing, reception, and filing. However, with the development of knowledge and technology. In addition to being able to handle all company administrations, a secretary in the era of globalization must be able to act as a partner, consultant to superiors, and handle unexpected circumstances, be dexterous in attitude, quick and precise in making decisions and even in leading a group with high integrity and dedication in order to maintain the image of a company.

Globally oriented secretaries are required to think critically and act professionally. This means that the secretary performs work according to the job description given by the company or according to the authority given by the superior in a complex manner. In addition, secretaries must develop existing knowledge and technology, in order to adapt to the times in the face of increasingly advanced world competition.

In this era of globalization, many demands are requested by a company. Therefore, being a secretary who is able to master the times will be needed by many companies. Then, how to deal with these demands? More and more classifications will make it difficult for someone to face global competition. One of the main keys is to have broad insight and knowledge, and be able to master technology and continue to learn about the latest technology to support the success of their work, especially in office management.

Read Also: What is a Corporate Secretary?

In addition, in terms of psychology, a secretary must have a special attitude, namely by having a positive self-image, such as being able to control his emotions, forming a sense of confidence and trustworthiness in communication, having high motivation, thinking positively, being responsible in carrying out his profession, and being able to maintain company secrets.

In addition to knowledge and psychology, special skills and expertise also need to be mastered by secretaries, such as accounting/financing, human resources, or tax. In this case, the company will provide added value to the multi-tasking secretary needed in a company.

Don’t worry about developing your business by setting up a company in Indonesia, because Portcorp is here as a solution for your business, also when you need Corporate Secretary. Portcorp is your comprehensive corporate secretary service in Indonesia. With our presence, you can get a dedicated company secretary to support you to what you need. Our company secretaries will track deadlines and file paperwork so your business keeps running smoothly. Contact us now on +6221-5020-8090 for your business succeed in the future!

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