What is a Corporate Secretary?BlogWhat is a Corporate Secretary?

What is a Corporate Secretary?

What is a Corporate Secretary?

Corporate Secretary Service Indonesia – When we hear the words “corporate secretary”, what automatically comes to mind is someone who performs secretarial functions in an organization. Did you know that a company’s secretary can be a work unit? Check out the explanation in this article.

Definition of Corporate Secretary

According to OJK Regulation No. 35 of 2014, a corporate secretary in a public company is an individual or person in charge of a work unit that carries out the functions of a corporate secretary. This secretary function must be owned by the company, both in the form of individuals and work units, because of its major role in the field of compliance (compliance) of the company with applicable regulations.

A member of the Board of Directors can concurrently hold the position of company secretary in carrying out the secretary function, provided that the member is prohibited from holding any position in another public company. This position is one of the higher positions in the company, reporting directly to the Board of Directors. The company secretary can also deliver official information to the public.

Corporate Secretary Functions

The corporate secretary plays an essential role in the company’s compliance with applicable regulations. This role is so important that Indonesia’s Code of Good Corporate Governance (2006) states that if a company does not have a separate compliance department, the corporate secretary will carry out the compliance function.

The corporate secretary’s function is specified in Article 5 of OJK Regulation No. 35 of 2014. In the article, it is explained that the functions of the corporate secretary at least include the fields of law/compliance, documentation, and external relations:

  • Keeping abreast of developments in the capital market, especially its laws and regulations
  • Provide input to the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners to comply with the provisions of laws and regulations in the Capital Market sector
  • Assisting the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners in the implementation of corporate governance, which includes:
    • Information disclosure to the public (including online)
    • Timely submission of reports to the Financial Services Authority (OJK)
    • Organization and documentation of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS)
    • Organization and documentation of Board of Directors and/or Board of Commissioners meetings
    • Implementation of company orientation program for the Board of Directors and/or Board of Commissioners
  • As a liaison between public companies and shareholders, the Financial Services Authority (OJK), and other stakeholders.

To report the results of its work, the company secretary must make periodic reports at least once a year regarding the implementation of the company secretary function to the Board of Directors, which is then copied to the Board of Secretaries. Not only is the company secretary required to make a report, but the company is also required to make a brief description of the implementation of the company secretary’s functions and information regarding education and/or training attended by the company secretary.

Don’t worry about developing your business by setting up a company in Indonesia, because Portcorp is here as a solution for your business, also when you need Corporate Secretary. Portcorp is your comprehensive corporate secretary service in Indonesia. With our presence, you can get a dedicated company secretary to support you to what you need. Our company secretaries will track deadlines and file paperwork so your business keeps running smoothly. Contact us now on +6221-5020-8090 for your business succeed in the future!

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