Rules for Foreigners Who Will Marry Indonesian CitizensBlogRules for Foreigners Who Will Marry Indonesian Citizens

Rules for Foreigners Who Will Marry Indonesian Citizens

Rules for Foreigners Who Will Marry Indonesian Citizens

Corporate Secretary Service Indonesia – For couples who marry in different countries (Indonesian citizens with foreigners), a number of requirements will be a little more complicated and require a long time to prepare, like Spouse Visa. This is because various documents from both countries are required. Various preparations must be made by couples who want to get married, especially regarding documents. There are also a number of requirements that must be met so that the marriage can take place smoothly. Well, for marriages of fellow Indonesian citizens (WNI), the preparation may be relatively short and easy because the various requirements requested are not too complicated.

However, for couples who marry in different countries (Indonesian citizens with foreigners), a number of requirements will be a little more complicated and require a long time to prepare. This is because various documents from both countries are required. The processing of various marriage documents between Indonesian citizens and foreigners will take quite a long time, depending on the performance of the embassy office and other immigration matters.

Therefore, various documents must be completed first before taking care of various other needs that can be done in a short time.

1. Documents for foreigners:

CNI (Certificate of No Impediment) aka single letter, which is a certificate stating that you can marry and will marry an Indonesian citizen. This letter is issued by an authorized agency in the country, such as an embassy.

  • Photocopy of identity card (KTP) from the country of origin of the prospective husband or wife
  • Photocopy of passport
  • Photocopy of birth certificate
  • Certificate of not being in a marital status
  • Divorce certificate if you have been married
  • Death Certificate of marriage partner if deceased
  • Certificate of current domicile
  • 2×3 (4 sheets) and 4×6 (4 sheets) passport photos
  • For marriage at the KUA must include a Mualaf certificate if previously a non-Muslim religion

Requirements that must be met to obtain a CNI from a foreign embassy

  • Latest birth certificate (original)
  • Photocopy of identity card (KTP) from the country of origin
  • Copy of passport
  • Proof of residence or domicile letter (can be a photocopy of telephone or electricity bill)
  • Marriage form from the embassy concerned

Well, all these letters must be translated into Indonesian by a sworn translator. Then legalized by the embassy of the foreigner’s country in Indonesia.

Read Also: Who is Allowed to Obtain a Permanent Stay Permit (KITAP)?

2. Documents for Indonesian citizens:

  • A letter from the neighborhood association (RT/RW) stating that there are no obstacles to the marriage.
  • Forms N1, N2, and N4 from Kelurahan and Kecamatan.
  • Form N3 for those marrying at the KUA (bride and groom consent letter that must be signed by both bride and groom)
  • Photocopy of ID card
  • Copy of birth certificate
  • Data of the parents of the bride and groom
  • Copy of family card (KK)
  • Parents’ marriage book (only if you are the first child)
  • Data of two witnesses to the marriage and photocopies of their ID cards
  • Photographs of 2×3 (4 sheets) and 4×6 (4 sheets)
  • Proof of the last PBB (Land and Building Tax) payment
  • Prenup (pre marriage agreement)

Indonesian citizen documents requested by foreign embassies:

  • Original birth certificate and photocopy
  • Photocopy of ID card
  • Copy of N1, N2 and N4 letters from Kelurahan
  • Copy of prenup (if any)

Before submitting all these required documents to the embassy, it is better to photocopy all these documents first as handbook data. Because, later the embassy will not return the document.

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