Understand How to Easily Apply for a Family Visa in IndonesiaBlogUnderstand How to Easily Apply for a Family Visa in Indonesia

Understand How to Easily Apply for a Family Visa in Indonesia

Understand How to Easily Apply for a Family Visa in Indonesia

Corporate Secretary Service Indonesia – Applying for a family visa like Dependent Visa is a must for foreigners who want to stay in Indonesia with their family. According to the Passport Index website, one of the reasons a Dependent Visa is needed is so that the country can check and ensure that visitors who enter and exit the country do not commit criminal activities. You also don’t want your home to have unknown guests.

What is a Family Visa?

Before discussing how to apply for a family visa in Indonesia, it is better to first understand what is a family visa? According to Immigration Jogja, a family unification visa is a type of limited stay visa (VITAS) that facilitates foreigners (OA) to join their families in Indonesia. This visa is indexed C317 and has a varying validity period, ranging from six months to two years.

According to the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website foreigners in mixed marriages or families, reunification can apply for a KITAS Visa Stay Index C 317. This means that if you want to bring your spouse to Indonesia, you can apply for a KITAS, which stands for Temporary Stay Permit Card.

In simple terms, a family visa is a visa that can be used to facilitate foreigners who want to live with their families in Indonesia. This visa has an index of C317, with a validity period that varies according to the sponsor.

The Role and Benefits of a Family Visa

Here are the benefits that your family (including your spouse and children) will get if you have a family visa.

Legal right to stay and enter and leave Indonesia

Your spouse and children with a C317 family KITAS will have the legal right to stay in Indonesia. This provides comfort and security for your family to enjoy life in Indonesia, with all its rich local culture and natural beauty. This means that by having this family visa you can join your husband, wife, or parents to live together in Indonesia and be assured of your rights as a citizen.

Read Also: Do you Need a Multiple Entry Visa? Why Do You Need One?

Access to Health and Education Services

By holding a family visa with index C317, your family will have easier access to healthcare services and educational institutions in Indonesia. This ensures your family can enjoy a healthy and fulfilling standard of living, with quality education for your children.

Driving License in Indonesia

Based on the Regulation of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2021 on the Issuance and Marking of Driver’s License, KITAS is one of the requirements to have an international Driver’s License. The C317 family KITAS also allows your spouse to obtain an Indonesian driver’s license which further facilitates mobility and access to various locations in the country.

Financial Ease

You may already be familiar with the convenience of using a local bank account for transactions. The Financial Services Authority in Indonesia (OJK) in a circular letter (S-246/S.01/2015) informs that foreign nationals can open accounts in Indonesia.

Currently, foreigners can only keep no more than USD 50,000 in an Indonesian account. In addition, the requirements are quite easy. As we know, the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan / OJK) is an independent institution in Indonesia that has the function, duty, and authority to regulate, supervise, examine, and investigate about finance.

Why is this Beneficial?

Because this means that the spouse of a C317 KITAS holder can open a bank account in Indonesia, apply for a loan, and get a credit card. This provides flexibility and convenience in managing your family’s finances in Indonesia. With all these benefits, the C317 Family Visa not only allows you to work and live in Indonesia but also allows your family to enjoy life in Indonesia.

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